Juvenile Report 20th January 2019

On Sunday last Glenmore athletes competed in the first Cross Country event of 2019, hosted by Blackrock AC at the Geraldines football pitch. Niamh Cranny was first up in the U9 girls race running well. The large field of Glenmore U11 girls were rewarded with 1st team. The team was led home by Zoe White in 3rd place, with Molly Ann Moore, Sarah Duffy and Aine Finnegan completing the team. Aoife Mc Donald, Anna Gaztambide, Aoife Havern, NIamh Havern and Mya Zamboglou all ran very well with many competing for the first time and running out of their age. Mario Liam Gaztambide ran a strong 1000m in the boys U11 1500m. Jessica White finished 5th in the girls U13 1500m event and led the Glenmore team of Ellen Callan, Katie Mc Donald and Grace Keenan to 2nd team medal. They were closely followed by Leah Dunne, Eimear Finnegan, Ella Rose Mc Mahon, and Aoife Keenan. Elliot Nichols competed well in the boys U13 event. Lisa Conlon was second in the girls U15 2500m followed by Sarah Mallon. James Dunne was a medal winner in the boys U15 event taking 4th position. Blanaid Murphy fisnhed the day for the club with a fine performance taking 3rd place in the girls U17 event.

Well done to all who competed. 2019 Membership is now due, please see www.glenmoreac.com/registration-2019 for further details.

Glenmore AC would also like to expresses our sympathy to the family and friends of our former club member Garda Shane Mc Ginn on his untimely passing away this week. “Ar dheis De go raibh a h’anam”