Paul and Adam Represent Club at the All Ireland Championships

On a somewhat misty, summer’s evening, juvenile members of Glenmore AC were treated to a night of fun and games to mark the track and field season drawing to a close.  Coaches Joan Stewart and Kenneth McBride set to work early to make sure the night wasn’t short of surprises for the young runners. The children moved between multiple elements including volleyball with a giant soft ball and a relay team obstacle course event.  They were presented with many challenges including ladder steps, jumps, hoops, crawling military style under nets and running around cones.  The children all rose to the challenge and as the competitive spirit kicked in, their cheering could be heard from afar.  Without a doubt the funniest spectacle of the evening was watching the children revel in the opportunity to throw wet sponges at their coaches’ faces.  As payback for all the tough, cross-country training sessions they were put through in the cold depths of winter, it seemed like a good deal.  To finish off the night what better than a whipped ice-cream and kids and adults alike enjoyed their summer treat.  Juvenile training has now finished for the summer holidays and will recommence on Tuesday 19th August 2014.

On Thursday 17th July, both Shane Toner and Paul Savage took part in the Louth Junior, Senior and Masters Championship in the Lourdes Stadium, Drogheda.  Shane took silver medal position in the 3000m while Paul took silver in the 400m.  On Sunday July 20th Tony Mulligan ran a great race, finishing the Fingal 10km in 39:30. Shane Toner put in another strong performance to finish in first place in the Dromiskin 5km on Wednesday 23rd July, while fellow club-mates Paul Savage and Paul Gallagher both achieved personal bests.  Big congratulations to our juvenile athletes Paul McGlynn and Adam McGuillan who competed in the All Ireland Championships on Sunday 27th July.  Both put in fantastic performances in their events, once again doing their club proud.

Fit4Life members have been keeping themselves very busy training for the Glenmore AC Michael Fearon and Kevin Marron 5km which takes place in Carlingford at 8pm on Friday 1st August.  The race is open to all over 16 years of age.  Entries are online via and on the day from 6-7.30pm in the parochial hall.  The first 200 registered on-line will receive t-shirts.  The evening starts off at 7pm sharp with the juvenile events U9/11/13/15 and all the races finish in Newry Street outside the Garda Barracks.

Many thanks to all who supported the Glenmore AC flag day on Friday 25th July.