Annual General Meeting

Glenmore AGM took place on Tuesday 21st January. Thanks to all who attended. The new committee for 2014 is as follows: Chairperson: Rose White, Vice-chairperson: Francis O’Reilly, Secretary: Irene Brady. Competition secretarys: Rose White, Pat Ferguson, Kenneth McBride, Joan Stewart, Treasurers: Jim Clerkin, Cathy McDonald, Declan McGlynn. Website design and maintenance: Eamonn Conlon, Gerry Stewart. PRO: Vicky Leahy, Assistant PRO: Dara Morgan. Photographer: Tony Brady. Registrar: Lorraine O’Reilly, Athletics gear: Bronagh Reilly. County Board delegates: Dermot Barry, Owen O’Reilly, Padraig O’Reilly, Phil McGinn, David O’Connor. Trainers: Kenneth McBride, Joan Stewart, Pat Ferguson, Francis O’Reilly, Shane McGinn, Cormac McGinn, Joanne McGinn, Barry Reilly, Owen O’Reilly, Shane Arnold. Child Protection Officers:  Rose White, Anna McGinn, Joan Stewart, Pat Ferguson, Francis O’Reilly. Welfare Officers: Mary Quinn, Barry Reilly. Club telephone: Joan Stewart.

At the January 2013 AGM Francis O’Reilly stepped down and Rose White took on mantle of Chairperson. The high points of the year include the following:  April celebration of Francis O’Reilly’s involvement with club, Cooley Credit Union Races, Carlingford Road Race (highest participation ever with 230) with new Francis O’Reilly perpetual cup won by Ciarain Gormley, 40th Kearney and McBride Cup with new 6km road race, the club feature in Fit for Life magazine with Irish Independent, 2 fundraisers: flag day and church gate collection. Last but far from least were the achievements of juvenile athletes who participated in local, Louth, Leinster & All-Ireland level. Thanks to Kenneth McBride for organising the new venue for Cross Country training, the field at long woman’s grave. Thanks to Eamon Conlon & Gerry Stewart for website maintenance and Dara Morgan, Nutritionist who has provided information session and material for website, to Fit4life group for raising funds for St Vincent de Paul at Santa Mile and Mile for Goal on St Stephens Day. Glenmore AC is grateful to all parents, members who help out in kitchen, at races and all year long.

The Chairpersons addressoutlined that we now have 332 members making Glenmore the  2nd largest club in Louth. The Chairperson commended our own coaches and the two visiting coaches on their work with Juveniles throughout the year. 2013 was a year in which the Fit 4 life group has also gone from strength to strength. The work of committee, athletes, coaches and the 3 honorary presidents was also acknowledged. The New Year started with a huge flurry of activity with the Bush4mation programme.  This 6 week fitness programme with Bush Post Primary School is proving to be very successful with over 126 participants. Not only has this initiative raised funds for both the School and the club but it has further publicised the club in the local area.  Special mention was given to both Kenneth McBride & Pat Ferguson (both sons of founding members) for leading the walk/jog/run sessions.

The Chairpersons hope for 2014 is that all athletes and members become more involved in the running of the club; she also underlined value of teamwork and ethos of holding all children equal.

Special tribute was paid to outgoing secretary Anna McGinn for her stalwart work over the past 5 years. This was a period in which the club paid off the rest of the debt on the track & where Anna introduced the advantages of mobile phone messages & regular emails to all members.  Anna and indeed the McGinn family will remain active members of the club on various levels. Glenmore AC is indebted to the hard work undertaken by both Anna and the McGinn family.