GLENMORE REPORT March 11, 2018

This weekend saw Glenmore AC athletes out in force, along with another  657 athletes in some very wet and windy conditions  competing in the Carlingford 10k and half marathon.

With its rolling hills tapering off after the first 5km where  runners can take advantage of the gentle downhill’s  with just a few occasional inclines, proves a favourite on many Athletes calendar for  its lovely setting in the Cooley Peninsula, its  lively vibe and just some all-round fun,  and  with a few puddles thrown into the mix today!!

Paul Flanagan, who is making a strong come back after being plagued with injuries of late crossed the 10k line feeling very strong in 47:02.

The first finisher for Glenmore AC in the Half was Paddy White 1:28:35 (PB) followed by Tony Mulligan 1:29:48, Michael Mc Shane 1:42.34, Fiona Mc Quade 1:43:03, John Doyle 1:46:09, Sarah Dooney 1:57:31 (PB), Kinga Byrne 1:59:58 and Barry Woods 2:11:01(PB). Congratulations on all who managed to achieve very healthy PB’s regardless of the abysmal weather conditions and to all our athletes who put their toe to the line in aid of St Bridget’s school, Dundalk.

Other Glenmore athletes who were unable to take part in today’s race took to the Glenmore hills, in the Cooley peninsula, for a dawn training  run, taking in the our very own Challenging ‘Glenmore Challenge’  route .

Online entry, via , has now opened for the 5th year of

‘THE GLENMORE CHALLENGE’  10mile + 10k Road Race taking place in the equally beautiful Glenmore Valley on Saturday  9th June at 10am .Take advantage of our  Early Bird Rate!!

Further details on  Glenmore Challenge Fackbook page and follow us on twitter @GlenmoreAC

Come and join us for the CHALLENGE!!

Glenmore AC held their AGM on 21st February.  Reports from the Chairperson and Secretary reflected on the Club’s achievements last year and its plans for the coming year.  The Committee acknowledged the continued dedication of its coaches and thanked them and all the other volunteers and sponsors who have contributed so much to the Club.  The Committee in particular extended its thanks to outgoing Secretary Irene Brady who has worked tirelessly for the Club over the last 4 years and has shown tremendous dedication and commitment to Glenmore AC.  The Club is always seeking new members and volunteers. If you would like to get involved please contact or 086 0368463.

The following officers were elected at the AGM:

Chairperson: Rose White; Vice Chairperson: Francis O’Reilly; Secretary: Emma Mallon; Assistant Secretary: Hillary Parker; Treasurer: Jim Clerkin; Assistant Treasurer: Lorraine O’Reilly; Competition Secretary: Sharon Tuohy; PRO: Grainne White; Assistant PRO: Amanda McCarragher; Senior PRO: Fiona McQuade; Registrar: Lorraine O’Reilly; Child Welfare Officers: Lloyd Byrne and Vicky Leahy; Website Design: Eamonn Conlon; Facebook: Kinga Byrne; Photographers: Tony Brady and Nicola McDonald; County Board Delegate: Dermot Barry; Club Gear: Joan Stewart, Lorraine O’Reilly, Marie O’Connor and Sharon Tuohy; Irene Brady and Mellisa McCoy; Race Co-ordinator: Patrick O’Reilly