Operation Bush4mation

Operation Bush4mation


Looking for a New Years resolution involving a healthy lifestyle choice or do you just want to get out and about and meet new people? Operation Bush4mation is being run by Bush School & Glenmore Fit 4 Life this January and February for over 18s only. Be it weight loss, toning up, general fitness, take the air on scenic walks around the peninsula or wellbeing there is something for everybody: Zumba, Circuits, Pilates, Yoga, Walking, Jogging and Running. Take your pick. Qualified trainers such as Brendan Murray, Johnny McCabe , Maria Duffy, Denise Fennessy, Pat Ferguson & Kenneth McBride can put you through your paces with nutritionist Dara Morgan available for nutritional advice.  Registration will take place on January 6th 7pm in Bush School Gym with the six week programme commencing on Monday 13th January.  Why not give it a go for just 50 Euro per person?

RTE sports presenter Jimmy Magee who hails from the peninsula wishes bush4mation and the Glenmore fit 4 life group every success with their 6 week project as does one of Irelands  premier athletes Eamonn Coughlan who hopes to visit us during the project to give us all a boost! For more information see www.bpps.ie, operationbush4mation@gmail.com, facebook: operationbush4mation or tweet opbush4mation.