Glenmore Report – 4th February 2019

Glenmore AC would like to extend a massive congratulations to its senior athlete, Paul Savage (04:51:00), on successfully completing the amazing Ironman 70.3 Dubai on Friday 1st February, absolutely brilliant results Paul and well done on yet another Ironman event!!

A huge well done to Glenmore AC senior athlete Peter Noone (01:03:37) on achieving a personal best of over 2 mins , despite the windy conditions, in today's Nally's Supervalu Trim 10 mile road race , a brilliant start to the year Peter!! Also well done to all the senior Glenmore athletes who competed , very strongly, in The Irish Masters and Intermediate Cross Country Championships held on Sunday 3rd February at DKIT – Masters (7km) Donal Mc Moreland (26:22) and Ciaran Walsh (27:20), Intermediate (7.5km) Shane Toner (25:40).

Big congratulations to our 0-5k Bush4mation group on completing their 4week 5k training plan and took to the Bush track early Saturday 2nd February and ran their first 5km in style.Well done for the hard work and determination that you all put into your training over the last 4 weeks. Be very proud of your achievement!!!!

Congrats to our juveniles Molly Anne Moore, Elliot Nichols, Ellen Callan, Sarah Mallon, James Dunne, Lisa Conlon and Ciaran Flynn who competed in the All Ireland B Cross Country Championships at DKIT on Sunday. Lisa Conlon and Ciaran Flynn both were individual medal winners on the day. Elliot Nichols won a gold medal as part of the Louth u11 county team.

GLENMORE AC Kearney & McBride 5k road race will be held on Sunday 3rd of March starting at the Bush school and finishing with a lap of the GLENMORE AC track at the Bush. Why not avail of the early bird registration rate, come  on out and join us in this, our 50th year anniversary as a club. Online registration is now opened and for further details check us out on Facebook twitter @GlenmoreAC