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All-Ireland's & Pudding Run - Glenmore Athletic Club

All-Ireland’s & Pudding Run

Well done to Glenmore athletes Anna McArdle, Nicole Barry & Laoise McElroy who represented the club at national level in Girls U13 All-Ireland’s in Waterford and to Cormac Barry who ran in U17s.

Closer to home Fit for Life members Kenneth McBride, Pat Ferguson and Paul Gallagher, Jude Quinn, Gerry McAlinden & Gerry Stewart participated in the Pudding Run, a challenging feat involving a run up and down the mountain!

The last night of training before Christmas is Thursday 19th December and we resume on Tuesday the 7th January.

Registration night for the new year will be on Tuesday 14th January and the AGM the following Tuesday 21st January.

We would ask all members to attend.